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.ngy_table_container .ngy_table {
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\n.ngy_table_container .ngy_table .tab-review:hover {
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\n background-image: linear-gradient(to right, #48a14d 0, #66c96c 51%, #66c96c 100%);
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\n column-gap: 0;
\n grid-template-columns: 25% 25% 25% 25%;
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\n display: none;
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\n position: fixed;
\n overflow: hidden;
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\n position: relative;
\n width: 315px;
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\n position: absolute;
\n top: 8px;
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\n border: 1px solid #fff;
\n color: #fff;
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\n cursor: pointer;
\n z-index: 99999;
\n background-color: red;
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\n min-width: 75vw;
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\n height: 17vh;
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\n .first-notification_content {
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\n height: 100%;
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\n background: rgba(59, 59, 59, 0.7);
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\n align-content: center;
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\n background: rgba(59, 59, 59, 0.7);
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\n width: 100%;
\n max-height: 19vh;
\n min-width: 55vw;
\n.first-notification_casino-image5 amp-img {
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\n background-color: #1c84ff;
\na.buton-22:visited {
\n color: #fff;
\n.close {
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\n padding: 5px 8px;
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\n@media (max-width: 540px) {
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\n transform: skewY(-3deg) skewX(-17deg);
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\n transform: translate3d(-50%, 0, 0);
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\n background: #0035f0;
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\n filter: blur(60px);
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\n display: flex;
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\n@media only screen and (max-width: 768px) {
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\n grid-row: span 2 \/ span 2;
\n grid-column: span 2 \/ span 2;
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\n min-height: 100px;
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\n z-index: 999;
\n background: var(–primary);
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\n background: var(–secondary-hover);
\n color: var(–blue);
\n }
\n .active svg {
\n fill: var(–blue);
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\n@media only screen and (min-width: 769px) {
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\n color: #000;
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\n.btn {
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\n padding: var(–n-space-xs) var(–n-space-s);
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\n font-weight: 700;
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\n color: #000;
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\n font-weight: 700;<\/p>\n
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\nblockquote::before {
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\n background: var(–red);
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\n top: calc(var(–n-space-s) var(–n-space-s));
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\n display: block;
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\n display: block;
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\n border-radius: var(–radius);
\n background: var(–secondary);
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\n cursor: pointer;
\n padding: var(–n-space);
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\n box-sizing: border-box;
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\n background: var(–secondary-hover);
\n.seo-accordion .accordion .btn-accordion:focus,
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\n outline: none;
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\n border: 1px solid var(–red);
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\n.seo-accordion .accordion input:checked ~ .btn-accordion .arrow {
\n transform: rotate(180deg);
\n.seo-accordion .accordion .btn-accordion .arrow path {
\n fill: var(–white);
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\n.seo-accordion .accordion .content-accordion p {
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\n pointer-events: all;
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\n color: var(–blue);
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\n.faq .faq-title {
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\n width: 100%;
\n height: 100%;
\n display: grid;
\n position: fixed;
\n overflow: hidden;
\n align-items: center;
\n align-content: center;
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\n background: rgba(59, 59, 59, 0.7);
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\n width: 315px;
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\n height: 15vh;
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\n position: fixed;
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\n z-index: 99999999999;
\n background: rgba(59, 59, 59, 0.7);
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\n font-weight: 700;
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\n background: #fff;
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\n border-radius: 8px;
\n position: relative;
\n max-width: 80vw;
\n width: 100%;
\n max-height: 19vh;
\n min-width: 75vw;
\n.first99-notification_casino-image5 amp-img {
\n height: 45px;
\n max-width: 145px;
\n width: 100%;
\n margin: 0 auto;
\n@media (max-width: 540px) {
\n .first99-notification_content {
\n min-width: 85vw;
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\n transition-duration: 0.7s;
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\n.table-container table tr td .table-btn,
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\n.table-container table tr td .table-btn.blue {
\n background-color: red;
\n.table-container table tr td .table-btn.blue:hover {
\n background-color: #5c8636;
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\n background: #686868;
.nogay-notification {
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\n overflow: hidden;
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\n.nogay-notification .box {
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\n background: #fff;
\n max-width: 500px;
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\n box-shadow: 1px 1px #000;
\n.nogay-notification .banners .banner {
\n margin-top: 5px;
\n.nogay-notification .heading {
\n color: #fff;
\n font-size: 15px;
\n font-weight: 700;
\n margin: 0.5rem 0;
\n line-height: 25px;
\n text-align: center;
\n border-radius: 10px;
\n padding: 0.5rem 5px;
\n background: #0300a3;
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\n.nogay-notification .nogay-popup-close-btn button {
\n color: #fff;
\n border: none;
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\n background: #0300a3;
\n cursor: pointer;
\n font-size: 14px;
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\n color: #fff;
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\n left: 0;
\n position: fixed;
\n width: 100%;
\n height: auto;
\n font-size: 13px;
\n padding: 5px 0;
\n.nogay-fixed-top-bar {
\n top: 0;
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\n bottom: 0;
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\n.nogay-fixed-bottom-bar .ngy-button {
\n background-color: red;
\n display: inline-block;
\n padding: 3px 6px;
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\n border-radius: 4px;
\n color: #fff;
\n font-weight: 700;
\n text-decoration: none;
\n.nogay-fixed-top-bar p,
\n.nogay-fixed-bottom-bar p {
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\n display: grid;
\n grid-template-columns: 24.8% 24.8% 24.8% 24.8%;
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\n.nogay-box-grid .nogay-box-item {
\n background: #36558F;
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\n.nogay-box-grid .nogay-box-item amp-img {
\n height: 30px;
\n max-width: 90px;
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\n.nogay-box-grid .nogay-box-title {
\n padding: 2px;
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\n text-align: center;
\n color: white;
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\n@media (max-width: 540px) {
\n .nogay-box-grid {
\n display: grid;
\n grid-template-columns: repeat(4, 22%); \/* simplified version of your columns setup *\/
\n gap: 3px;
\n margin-top: 35px;
\n margin-left: auto; \/* Added for horizontal centering *\/
\n margin-right: auto; \/* Added for horizontal centering *\/
\n justify-content: center; \/* Center items in the grid *\/
\n }
\n .nogay-box-grid .nogay-box-title {
\n font-size: 10px;
\n }
\n.nogay-notification {
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\n left: 0;
\n width: 100%;
\n height: 100%;
\n display: flex;
\n position: fixed;
\n overflow: hidden;
\n z-index: 99999999999;
\n align-items: center;
\n justify-content: center;
\n background: rgba(59, 59, 59, 0.7);
\n.nogay-notification .box {
\n width: 92%;
\n padding: 1rem;
\n margin: 0 auto;
\n background: #fff;
\n max-width: 500px;
\n border-radius: 10px;
\n box-shadow: 1px 1px #000;
\n.nogay-notification .banners .banner {
\n margin-top: 5px;
\n.nogay-notification .heading {
\n color: #fff;
\n font-size: 15px;
\n font-weight: 700;
\n margin: 0.5rem 0;
\n line-height: 25px;
\n text-align: center;
\n border-radius: 10px;
\n padding: 0.5rem 5px;
\n background: #0300a3;
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\n background: #0300a3;
\n cursor: pointer;
\n font-size: 14px;
\n line-height: 1;
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\n color: #fff;
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\n left: 0;
\n position: fixed;
\n width: 100%;
\n height: auto;
\n font-size: 13px;
\n padding: 5px 0;
\n.nogay-fixed-top-bar {
\n top: 0;
\n.nogay-fixed-bottom-bar {
\n bottom: 0;
\n.nogay-fixed-top-bar .ngy-button,
\n.nogay-fixed-bottom-bar .ngy-button {
\n background-color: red;
\n display: inline-block;
\n padding: 3px 6px;
\n margin-left: 10px;
\n border-radius: 4px;
\n color: #fff;
\n font-weight: 700;
\n text-decoration: none;
\n.nogay-fixed-top-bar p,
\n.nogay-fixed-bottom-bar p {
\n margin: 0;
\n text-align: center;
\n#uyarikutu {
\n background: rgba(59, 59, 59, 0.7);
\n position: fixed;
\n top: 0;
\n left: 0;
\n width: 100%;
\n height: 100%;
\n overflow: hidden;
\n z-index: 100000000000;
\n display: flex;
\n justify-content: center;
\n align-items: center;
\n height: 100%;
\n.uyarikutu {
\n width: 92%;
\n max-width: 350px;
\n margin: 0 auto;
\n padding: 0.75rem 1.5rem;
\n#uyarikapat {
\n z-index: 99999;
\n.uyarikutu .uyaribaslik {
\n color: #fff;
\n border-radius: 10px;
\n background: rgba(3, 0, 163, 1);
\n font-size: 15px;
\n text-align: center;
\n font-weight: 700;
\n line-height: 25px;
\n padding: 0.5rem 5px;
\n margin: 0.5rem 0;
\n.uyarikutu .aciklaaciklama {
\n color: #fff;
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\n font-weight: 700;
\n.uyarikutu .aciklaaciklama amp-img {
\n margin-bottom: 0.2rem;
\n.uyarikutu .uyariaciklama {
\n color: #555;
\n text-align: center;
\n line-height: 18px;
\n margin-top: 0.5rem;
\n.uyarikutu .uyaributon {
\n text-align: center;
\n margin-top: 0;
\n.uyarikutu .uyaributon button {
\n border: none;
\n background: rgba(3, 0, 163, 1);
\n color: #fff;
\n padding: 0.6rem 15px;
\n display: inline-block;
\n padding: 10px;
\n border-radius: 5px;
\n.uyarikutu .uyaributon button a {
\n color: #000;
@keyframes glowing {
\n 0% {
\n box-shadow: inset 0 0 2.5px black;
\n }
\n 50% {
\n box-shadow: inset 0 0 10px black;
\n }
\n 100% {
\n box-shadow: inset 0 0 2.5px black;
\n }
.btn2-primary {
\n animation: glowing 1300ms infinite;
.vid-onlyDesktop {
\n display: block;
\n }<\/p>\n
.vid-onlyMobile {
\n display: none;
\n }<\/p>\n
@media screen and (max-width:600px) {
\n .vid-onlyDesktop {
\n display: none!important
\n }
\n .vid-onlyMobile {
\n display: block!important
\n }<\/p>\n
.floating {
\n background-color: #031435;
\n position: fixed;
\n bottom: 0;
\n left: 0;
\n right: 0;
\n width: 100%;
\n height:20px;
\n padding: 5px;
\n.btn-blink {
\n animation: 1s infinite pulse;
\n.d-block {
\n display: inline;
\n.text-center {
\n text-align: center;
\n.cta-daftar {
\n font-weight: 400;
\n padding: 6px;
\n background: #ff0101;
\n background: -moz-linear-gradient(top,#ff0101 0%,#850c0d 100%);
\n background: -webkit-linear-gradient(top,#ff0101 0%,#850c0d 100%);
\n background: linear-gradient(to bottom,#ff0101 0%,#850c0d 100%);
\n color: #fff;
\n font-size: 9px;
\n padding-bottom: 6px;
\n text-align: center;
\n border-radius: 4px;
\n.nogay-fixed-top-bar {
\n display: none;
\n \/* Target the amp-img element specifically *\/
\n .btn2-secondary amp-img {
\n width: 100px !important; \/* Adjust the width as needed *\/
\n height: 30px !important; \/* Adjust the height as needed *\/
\n }<\/p>\n
\/* Additional targeting for inner img element if needed *\/
\n .btn2-secondary amp-img > img {
\n width: 100px !important; \/* Adjust the width as needed *\/
\n height: 30px !important; \/* Adjust the height as needed *\/
\n }<\/p>\n